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Disabled Accessibility

Facilities for disabled customers

We strongly advise that you contact us before your visit, so we can understand your requirements and make arrangements to assist you.

Maps with berth locations are shown under Visitor Mooring locations on the leisure menu above.

The harbour office in Dartmouth is accessed by steps.  If you need us to, we are always happy to come down to street level to assist you – just ring the doorbell!

Accessibility of leisure berths

Dartmouth – Yachts

The Town Jetty has two berths fitted with hoists, to allow wheelchair transfer between your vessel and the jetty.  The southernmost berth has a freeboard of 1m and is suitable for yachts.  The northern easy access berth has a freeboard of 0.5m and is suitable for dayboats, dinghies, the yacht taxi and smaller ferries.  This jetty has a ramped access from the jetty to the shore, so it is accessible, however at low tide this can be steep.  These berths can be booked on request.  It has an electric supply.  Visitor berths on this pontoon are most suitable for those with any disability, due to the ramp to shore, the high freeboard of the pontoon, and the handrails running the length of the pontoon.  It is located in the heart of the level part of the town centre, adjacent to the taxi rank and bus stop, and approx 200m from the town council toilet facilities, which include a disabled facilitys

Most other Dart Harbour berths and tender landing facilities in Dartmouth are accessed via steps.  This includes Yacht Club Pontoon, Double Steps Pontoon, Low Water Landing, DA and DB Pontoons and Mayors Avenue Pontoon. At high tide this is typically around 10 steps, increasing to around 30 steps at low tide.  To access the pontoon it is necessary to step from the steps to an adjacent pontoon moored alongside the flight of steps.  There is not normally a handrail in this location, and the pontoon may be moving in rough weather.  Each of these pontoons have wide non-slip decks, but are not fitted with handrails.

It may be possible to board landing craft type vessels at the Higher Ferry slipway.


There is a short-stay visitor berth at Darthaven which can be fitted with a hoist, and is accessed via a ramp.  This is steep at low water.  There is level access to the Darthaven public car park or into the village.

Our Kingswear Dinghy Rack provides short-stay tender facilities, and is accessed via a ramp to shore, though this only links to a level gravel footpath – there is no road access.

All other Dart Harbour moorings in Kingswear require use of the yacht taxi or a dinghy to go ashore.


The dinghy pontoon is accessed via a steep and narrow ramp. with handrails on both sides.  The access road is very steep with no parking.

Greenway / Galmpton

The private quay at Greenway includes a slipway which can provide ramped access to smaller boats, and a pontoon with a hoist.

There is a private slipway at Dolphin Boatyard’s Dartside Quay in Galmpton, which is the home base for Dart Sailability, and can offer tidal access to smaller vessels.

Stoke Gabriel

The high tide village dinghy pontoon is accessed via a short ramp from the beach.

The low tide pontoon is accessed via a 400m long walk along the gravel beach.  There is currently a step up to this pontoon, but a ramp is planned.


There is a small tidal slipway adjacent to the Maltsters Arms pub, which also has a quayside which provides level boarding at certain tidal conditions.


There are no accessible moorings in Totnes.  Baltic Wharf has two floating pontoons which offer visitor berthing and are accessed via steps.  Yachts can also moor alongside the wooden landing stage at Steamer quay, where there is stepped access.

There is a wide and relatively shallow angle public slipway to access smaller boats adjacent to Long Marsh car park.

There are public toilets including disabled facilities at Baltic Wharf.

Yacht Taxi

Our yacht taxis are not wheelchair accessible, however for those with limited mobility, Ares has good, easy to use steps to access the deck.  We can use the hoist on Town Jetty to embark the yacht taxi, however the customer will need to have a suitable hoist on their vessel at the other end.

Marinas & boatyards

Disabled facilities and berths are also available at some of the private marinas & boatyards on the Dart.

Darthaven Marina – Kingswear. VHF 80 or call 01803 752545 – Pontoon Berths accessed via ramps.

Dart Marina – Dartmouth. VHF 80 or call 01803 837161 – Pontoon Berths accessed via ramps.

Premier Noss on Dart Marina – Noss. VHF 80 or call 01803 839 087 – Pontoon Berths accessed via ramps.

Blackness Marine – Cornworthy. 01803 722 654 – Slipway and small holding pontoon accessed via short ramp.


Dart Sailability are based at Galmpton, and offer regular sailing trips in their fleet of specially adapted vessels.  [email protected]

Ferries and Trip Boats

The Higher and Lower Car Ferries are fully accessible – accessed via slipways.

Dartmouth Steam Railway and River Boat Co ferries and boat trips (Dartmouth – Kingswear, Dartmouth – Totnes, Dartmouth – Circular Cruises, Torquay – Brixham – Dartmouth) run from the Town Jetty in Dartmouth, and Ferry Pier in Kingswear.  These are both linked to the shore via ramp, so are accessible, though the bridges can be steep at low tide.  The company can provide a ramp to access the vessel on request.  At Totnes, the vessel is accessed via steps, though at certain tides the vessel is accessible – you should contact the company for more details.  At Brixham the vessel is boarded via an accessible pontoon

The Dartmouth – Greenway ferry runs from the Town Jetty in Dartmouth – see above.  In Greenway it runs from steps.  At certain tides this quay is accessible – contact the company for more details.

The Dartmouth – DIttisham Ferry runs from Double Steps in Dartmouth.  On Request they can run from the Town Jetty, which is accessible and fitted with a hoist. At Dittisham, the pontoon is accessible by a ramp, but it is steep and narrow and not really usable by wheelchairs.

The Dittisham – Greenway Ferry uses the Dittisham Pontoon described above.  At Greenway it uses a slipway

The Castle Ferry uses steep / uneven steps to load at both ends, though it can embark at the Town Jetty easy access pontoon.

Facilities for those who are deaf or hard of hearing

Most of our communications with boats are via VHF radio.  If you are not able to use VHF due to a hearing difficulty, we would suggest you contact us in advance by email to explain your requirements, and we can set up a WhatsApp communication link with our team.  Alternatively use our harbour guide to select a suitable visitor berth, moor up, and then pop into the harbour office or communicate with a river officer.  We can also communicate by pen and paper if needed.  Dart Sailability can also offer trips.

Facilities for those who are blind or partially sighted

We do not have any special facilities, but are always happy to discuss your requirements and come up with a solution.  Dart Sailability can also offer trips

Facilities for those with other disabilities

We do not have any specific facilities, but will always assist in any way we can.  Get in touch beforehand to discuss your requirements.  Our staff recognise the sunflower lanyard, and will take extra time to deal with any special requirements you may have.  Dart Sailability can also offer trips to those with any physical or mental disability.
