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The Dart Harbour Communities Fund is launched

Dart Harbour has recently launched a community fund to help support organisations working to tackle disadvantage and provide opportunity across the Dart River Estuary area with a particular focus on children and young adults.

Projects that seek to make use of the natural environment of the Dart River Estuary will be given priority.

The fund is administered by our partner the  Devon Community Foundation.

Funding available

Grants are awarded up to a maximum of £3,000 and must be spent within 12 months of the award. The fund will consider applications for project costs and/or sustained core cost funding.

Area of Benefit

The fund will consider applications from across Devon that seek to make use of the natural environment of the Dart River Estuary, priority will be given to groups that are based within the immediate vicinity of The Dart Estuary, South Hams District Council & Torbay Council Area

Complete details can be found here including information on how to apply.


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