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LNTM 11-24 – BRNC Training Exercises – 1st and 2nd June 2024

All mariners are advised:

Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC) will be conducting exercises in various locations within Dart Harbour during the 1st and 2nd June 2024.

The exercises will involve up to 40 Staff & Cadets. There will be items left at several locations as well as Service Personnel acting out certain roles according to the exercise narrative, including potentially playing casualties and walking injured. Vessels may also exceed 6knts for short periods in the Sandquay area.

The exercise will also involve Officer Cadets operating on the Dart carrying arms and using blank rounds and pyrotechnics in the vicinity of the waterfront of BRNC. They will be carrying the weapons along the estuary with a potential range from Dittisham to Castle Steps at mouth of estuary.  Blanks will only be used in and around the College area. Other staff members will be using a range of simulation arms (non-firing), again only in and around the College Sandquay area.

BRNC training staff will be in attendance at all times.

All harbour users are advised to give participating vessels a wide berth and navigate with caution during these exercises.

J Handley


Issued 30th May 2024

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