Site location: near to 40ft Off red marker post – East Bank north of Sharpham North Quay.
Description: Opposite the buoy is a larger but heavily degraded stretch of marsh on the left bank. The intact sections of marsh holds a diverse short sward community, presumably grazed by geese. There are many standing pools containing a dense array of small invertebrate burrows. Large sections of the marsh have collapsed due to undercutting of edges and recent block collapse in places, but sea club rush stands persist on some of the islands and lower sections which smooth out into mudflat areas. There is a large stand of Phragmites on the middle section of the marsh. The downstream sections have degraded into islands though none of degradation appears to be recent..
Work Completed: > On site survey.
> Installation of sedimentation monitor
> Installation of several hundred brushwood bundles to partially damn a number of the channels through the marsh, to encourage accumulation of sediment in the small channels. This work was carried out by Dart Harbour & our contractor – Park Life, using low-impact manual methods. Brushwood bundles were made from hazel and willow, locally coppiced and cleared from sites at Longmarsh, Sharpham and Ivybridge.
>Creation of small island of additional saltmarsh habitat downstream of existing marsh within the boundaries of the saltmarsh area using polders made of brushwood, as a test of concept for encouraging the restoration of a larger saltmarsh at The Gut site.
Work Planned: >LIDAR level survey (Jan/Feb 2025)
>Monitoring of impacts of brushwood partial dams on sediment levels.
>Surveys of fish in association with Devon Wildlife Trust, with equipment provided by Dart Harbour.
>Provision of information on the site